

Laws of the Universe - The Law of Thinking


I have learned it’s impossible to think a happy thought at the same time you’re thinking a bad thought. I tried to do that today, I was thinking of a situation that made me sad... I festered about it, my body shifted and my demeanor changed. I did that on a timer for 2 minutes and my only thought of that situation (I was thinking about my parents untimely death so you get the idea of my thought). During that time not a single happy thought even came to me. The timer is the only reason why …

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My Sedona Healing Trip - June 2020

Sedona was a place of magical healing for me. I worked with some amazing healers who had great insight I could bring back to my community. The breathtaking views alone were reason enough to go, however, I had 9 healing sessions all in 4 days. Within those 4 days I learned so much about myself and some of the limits I place on myself. One would think that as a practitioner myself I would have all the answers in regards to how to move through my own shit, however, I will be working on myself until…

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